sorry its been a while guys, things get busy.
Okay, so.
since last post, i went to morrocco. It was fantastic. i rode a camel, and drank really good tea and wandered around bazaars in the evenings and just generally enjoyed myself, especially since i was with kirstie and jessica, who are wonderful travel buddies. We were just in the north of morrocco (cueta [which is actually spanish] tetuan, tangier, and a little mountain city called chef chaouen, which was my favorite. all the buildings were painted blue.) and i'm sad i didnt get to hang out in the Sahara dessert, but the Sahara isnt going anywhere, so i'm sure ill visit it another time.
I've also been preparing myself to leave, which is much more difficult than i act like it is. I feel really at home in cordoba, and its not like my actually home in california that i can go back to for breaks. when am i ever going to come to cordoba again? im not worried about the friends i've made here, because im pretty confident we can be friends for life if we make an effort, but im going to miss the actual place quite a bit. it's a very beautiful city, but also unassuming and comfortable. My plan right now is to come back for ferria, which is a huge celebration in may (conveniently after school is over) but even though i could stay with my spanish madre for freesies, a plane ticket accross the atlantic is quite the financial commitment for a broke ass college student like myself. especially after i've spent all my money galavanting about europe for a semester. but anyways. Hay que aprovechar while im here. (have to take advantage of, have to enjoy. its what my spanish madre says when i go out on weekends and sleep late the next day) And i have been enjoying these last few days with my friends. we went to the arab baths here in cordoba and sat in hot water for 2 hours, with a 15 minute massage, and that was fabulous, and i've been taking lots of walks to take fotos, and eating lots of churros. so thats that.
next on my agenda, after leaving cordoba, im spending the night in cordoba saying goodbye to my preshco friends, and then its off to paris for 4 days with kirstie, which will be fantastic. then back in madrid for a day and a bit, then home for the navidad on the 23rd. and i'll be home until january 5th. lots of plane flights.
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