domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2009

Guys, I am so ready (estoy tan lista) for classes to start here. We've literally had a whole week to sit around in our houses with our madres and watch american shows and made for tv movies (the simpsons, two and a half men, the secret life of the american teenager, etc) that are dubbed over in spanish. And walk around Cordoba. And have a few meetings here and there. And be formally welcomed by the alcade (mayor) of Cordoba (and by mayor, I actually mean the representative of the mayor) for approximately 4 hours of my life that I will never get back. It may sound like alot, but trust me, I've had more thatn enough tiempo libre. I am ready to do something productive.

So I guess I am experiencing a bit of culture shock, in that we (Nina y yo) fuimos a our Madre's piso in Malaga, on the coast of spain, for the weekend. and for all of Saturday, from 10 am to 1 am, we walked from cafe to cafe, and ate and sat, and then sat and ate, and then ate, and then walked maybe a block, and then sat and ate, and talked with relatives and omg by the end of it I was about ready to die of bordom. And it doesn't help that Malaga, being on the coast, is big into mariscos (seafood) and I am not really and aficionada of whole fried squid, or whole raw anchovies, or mussels. I'm not really a fan of wilted lettace covered in mayonaise either. Or whole fried baby birds, which my Madre ordered for lunch today. So fun times.

Yay clases start manana!!!

o, and I'm going to Ireland with Kirstie and Jessica this weekend. nbd. (yayayayayay!!!!!)

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