sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2009

today, llegamos en Cordoba, on an overnight train. being on the train with the compact bathroom and the pulldown beds was kind of romantic feeling, like being in another era of travel. It was also pretty much impossible to sleep. whatevesies. The worst part of the train was that a mosquito got into our cabin somehow, and now i have 6 bites on my hands and neck, since those were basically the only exposed parts mientras i was sleeping.

Then we met our familia. Nina, my companera de casa, and I are living with Josefa Elias, or, "Mama Pepi." Mama Pepi is really nice and obviously wants us to feel welcome. she said that this is our house (our meaning hers, nina's and mine) and that we are a family of three now. She showed us how to turn on the gas water heater, and how to flush the toliet (the tank is in the ceiling, and you have to pull a cord) and she took our dirty clothes to wash. Mama Pepi also has an active social life. Her gentleman friend was here this morning to help carry nuestra maletas, and tonight despues de la cena, she went out with some of her amigas. apparently today is some sort of saint's day here. I'm convinced Nina and I have the best familia, because we live really really close to the faculdad de filosophia y letras, where we'll be taking classes, and really close to the mesquita (famous great mosque of cordoba) we live on Calle Doctor Fleming, 6-2-4. you can google earth it if you want, and see how close we are to the mosque

I'm doing okay with understanding her, even though she talks really fast. i get the general gist most of the time, but i know im missing a lot of individual words.

after mama pepi left for her fiesta, Nina and i roamed the streets of old cordoba and ran into some more preshquitas (students that are doing the Prescho program with me) and we hung out and talked about how mentally exhausted we were from speaking spanish, and assured ourselves it will get better. and ahora, esta en casa, and im going to sleep for at least 9 hours.

well, first i'll give you my contact information if you need it:
address of my casa en espana
c/ Doctor Fleming
14004 Cordoba


telefono en espana:
649-020-998 (if you're calling from the US, you'll have to put Spain's country code in front, which i think is 34)

telefono solo para emergancias:

tomorrow, ill put up the address where it would be better to send mail (directly to the prescho office) but i don't have that address with me right now and I'm to lazy to find it :)

hasta luego!

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